Root canal treats the inside of the tooth. The soft tissue inside the tooth under the white enamel and dentin is called the pulp. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves. When the pulp becomes infected by the bacteria in the tooth structure or in the surronding gums root canal treatment is needed.


The following symptoms might indicate root canal treatment:


- A cracked or chipped tooth


- Lingering sensitivity to hot and cold or severe pain with biting and chewing


- Tender, swollen and darkened gums, sometimes with pimples developing on the gum tissues.


- Severly decayed teeth 


Let us repair and save your badly decayed or infected tooth by removing the infected pulp tissue inside the canals and  filling the tooth canals  with an inert material.  This can relieve your pain, save your tooth and avoid an extraction, so that you can keep smiling.